Ed Benes Pin-up Art on eBay:
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Ed Benes Pin-up Art For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…
Ed Benes Tribute 2 ~ MORE Comic Book Heroines and Villainesses
This is a slide show showing artwork drawn by the great Ed Benes. I do not own any of these,I just wanted to make a tribute to his work. I’ve also tried to make it basic images,I hope I have not put up any commissions without permission. This is not …
Multiversity Comics: Review: Action Comics Annual #13
Ed Benes takes the art department for this story, and again the art ultimately feels lacking. It could have more to do with the colors attached to the artist (by Jason Wright), but this doesn’t really look like Ed Benes normally looks. …
Publish Date: 12/04/2010 11:45
Firestorm Magnet with Art by Ed Benes
The art is by Ed Benes and the Firestorm logo is from volume I of his own series. Turns out it shipped as part of a seven-pack of Brightest Day magnets and is fully-licensed by DC. Click here to view all seven magnets from the Brightest …
Publish Date: 11/08/2010 2:30
Ed Benes has been working in the comic book industry for well over a decade, getting his start on Samuree for Continuity Comics in 1993. Since then, he has worked on a wide variety of titles including Gen13, Thundercats, X-Men, …
Publish Date: 11/11/2010 15:45
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