Quarter Pound World Coins
Nov 16th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Quarter Pound World Coins

  • A nice assortment of large and small coins from around the world.

One 1/4 or quarter pound grab bag of World Coins. Average amount of coins is 25-35 depending on size of coins.

List Price: $ 3.99


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Vicksburg National Military Park Quarter Available August 29
Aug 28th, 2011 by Aldouspi

WASHINGTON – The United States Mint will accept orders for 100-coin bags and two-roll sets containing the Vicksburg National Military Park quarter starting at noon Eastern Time (ET) on August 29.  The bags are priced at $ 49.95 each and the two-roll sets at $ 39.95 each. 

United States Mint Press Releases/Public Statements

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