Roman Legion Art by Scotland Barnes
Been going back over my research of the Roman Legions – specifically, Roman Standards.
Scotland’s Art Blog
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Roman Legion Art by Scotland Barnes related articles from the blogosphere…Marius’ Mules – Roman Legionaries
Roman legionaries from the 1st-2nd centuries AD, main fighting force of the Roman army from the times of the Empire’s greatest glory.
FANTASY ROMAN ARMY Concept art marathon « Marius Andrei … 4/4/12
FANTASY ROMAN ARMY Concept art marathon. 4 Apr. The last weeks were pretty good in terms of work. I managed to sketch A LOT and I also found time to continue this stalled project. So this is the first part of the sketches. This is an …
Christians in the Roman Army : Countering the Pacifist Narrative … 4/20/12
I shall leave the theological portion of this debate for other websites. What I will do is examine the central historical claim of the “fall of the church” thesis: That Christians before the era of Constantine were pacifists who did not enlist in the Roman military . Unfortunately, none of the …. Reconstruction of the baptismal font in the church at Dura-Europos, at Yale University Art Gallery. With that said, what do these two men say on the issue? Tertullian's views changed over …
Welcome to the Art of Death – Camulodunum | Photographic Memory 4/22/12
Carved in British stone, this work by a Roman artist probably dates back to the second century and would have formed part of a Roman military tomb. Sphinx's the peaceful symbol of death or guardians of the tomb or bearers …
Roman Legion Art