French Kiss Pinup Girl Adult Costume Plus French Kiss Art
Apr 2nd, 2012 by Aldouspi

French Kiss Pinup Girl Adult Costume Plus French Kiss Art

French Kiss Pinup Girl Adult Costume

French Kiss Art

Includes: Dress. Does not include: Shoes. Hosiery, Hot Pants, Wig and Beaded Necklace sold separately. Please note. This costume runs big.

List Price: $ 89.90

Price: $ 43.69




French Kiss Art For Sale

[phpbay]French Kiss Art, 19, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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Art-3000: Picture FRENCH KISS

Artist: FERRI, GIUSEPPE (Send an e-mail to GIUSEPPE FERRI). Description: Oil on canvas. Form of Art: Painting. Style: Abstract. Genre: Composition. Media: Oil. Year: 1997. Size: cm 30 x cm 40

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Your Questions About Pin Up Girls Of The 50s
Aug 12th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Laura asks…

men, do you prefer the figure of a 50s pin-up girl or the figure of today’s skinny models?

This -


This -

why??? why not??

Pin-up answers:

You shouldn’t have to ask, the ‘Pin-ups’ are better because:
1. They are not deluded into trying to fit into a delusion, a perception of an abnormal reality.
2. They are women who appear to be content with the way they look and who they are.
3. They do not look like they might break, if you touch them.

Well, I do like our modern gal’s outfit…

Sandy asks…

50s Pin-up Halloween Costume?

I really wanted to be a 50s swing girl dress (not slutty costume), but after looking everywhere, I can’t find anything in my budget. So I’m going for more of a 50s pin-up dress. Which do you think is the most 50s-ish? Or do you have any suggestions to where I could find a CHEAP swing dress?

here are some that are 50’s ;pin-up girl costumes:

Some Swing Dresses

[phpbay]swing dress, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Lisa asks…

HELP! I’d like to be a pin-up girl for halloween?

I AM INTERESTED.. in being a pin up girl or a sexy starlet from back in the day, 30-50s perhaps? like a Marilyn Monroe or an old playmate centerfold for an example. I want to look sexy, but classy – any ideas of what the woman of that time period wore and where I can get some things?


Pin-up answers:

This is one of my fave stores for vintage style clothing:

Some 50’s Pin-up Costumes

[phpbay]50’s Pinup Costume, 4, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Nancy asks…

Halloween costumes ideas – which sounds better?

40s pin-up girl
50s girl
dead girl/ghost

or other ideas? And I also need suggestions on what my hair should be like (thinking of getting a wig) and the clothes? But something suitable for my body. I’m averaged a UK size 10 (US 6-8 depending… keeps changing wherever i look lol) and I’m 5′ 8 1/2

Pin-up answers:

You should definitely be either the 40s pin up girl or the 50s girl. Go with a style similar to Katy Perry.

Some 40s Pin-up Girls

[phpbay]40s Pinup Girl, 4, “”, “”[/phpbay]

James asks…

Men: On women what’s your fav clothing style?

Mine personally is grunge… yeah I know 50s pin up girl is sexy – common plaid shirts and converse are hot with jeans and cardican sweaters…

Pin-up answers:

Bathing suit….

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50s Pin-up Girls For Sale

[phpbay]50s Pin-up Girl, 14, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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