Nude Woman Bather in Reeds and Stream
Feb 14th, 2023 by Aldouspi

Here is an intriguing piece of fine art painting by Félix Vallotton. Vallotton, a Swiss/French painter and print maker, did all kinds of artwork – woodcuts, drawings and paintings. This last area of work includes a fascinating series of different nude women. I am happy to show one such example below of a woman sitting while she baths in a pebbled filled stream. Behind in black is a background of reeds. The color scheme of yellow and orange is a departure from the more realistic tones Vallotton normally used.


This image of a lovely nude woman using a stream to bath in, is available as an 8.5 x 11 inch photo print. It is for sale at my store on eBay (without the watermark). You can learn more about purchasing a photo print titled “Woman Bather” by clicking on the picture. Or click on the link below the art to be taken to this eBay item.


Nude Woman Bather in Reeds and Stream 8.5×11″ Photo Print by Felix Vallotton

Purchase this photo print on eBay, by clicking here:

Félix Vallotton’s “Woman Bather in Stream with Reeds.”

Click this link to view all of my pinups, vintage nudes and other fine art photo prints in the Risquephotography Store.



News About Bathers

Eve in the Garden with Snake
Dec 21st, 2022 by Aldouspi

One of the most iconic of stories illustrated by artists for hundreds of years is that of Eve being tempted by a snake to partake of fruit from the Tree of Life also known as the Tree of Knowledge. Here is art portraying an Eve with the snake entwined about the Tree of Life. This particular interpretation of the Biblical story is by artist Paul Ranson.

The 1895 artwork shows a nude Eve standing in the Garden of Eden next to a lion in front of the tree of knowledge. The snake of temptation hovers above her in the tree.


This colorful fine art featuring a demure Eve petting a lion while the snake looks on is available as an 8.5 x 11 inch photo print. It is for sale at my store on eBay (without the watermark). You can purchase a photo print of Eve, the snake and the Tree of Life, by clicking on the picture. Or click on the link below the art to be taken to this eBay item, as well.


Nude Woman Eve in the Garden of Eden with Snake 8.5×11″ Photo Print Art by Paul Ranson

Purchase this photo print on eBay, by clicking here:

“Eve and Snake in the Garden of Eden.”

Click this link to view all of my pinups, vintage nudes and other fine art photo prints in the Risquephotography Store.



News About Eve

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